Down to Earth

Kazakstan's Party

Saturday, 27 October 2007
Dear Bloggy,

This evening I had a wonderful time. Thanks to Jannat and Samal for inviting me to their Kazakstan's Party. They said it's their way of celebrating their independence day recently. Kyoko was there too cos I invited her. She helped me to find Room A, so I thought it wouldn't be nice for not telling her. Samal and Jannat said it doesn't matter, anyone can come to the party. I made new friends during the party. I met Alia, Aisha, Jo, Emir, Ola, Sertug, Betty and many more! They came from different part of this world from Turkey, German, Portugal, Nigeria, Japan etc. I learnt about Kazakstan's culture and its history from the documentary shown that evening. Also, we had quiz about Kazakstan and other sort of game. I won the second game and a bar of Kazakstan chocolate. I think I'm going to keep the wrapping paper of the chocolate bar once I've finish eating the chocolate. I came back around half 10 and Ola accompanied me back home. It was a simple and lovely party.

Where's my energetic soul gone?

Tuesday, 23 October 2007
Dear Bloggy,

I don't know why today, my mind and soul feels like not in my body. I felt like I'm dreaming all the time. Even in my classes today, I wasn't that really concentrate. What happened to me?! I really felt frustrated thinking about it. Luckily Joy treated me for dinner, my mood enlightened a bit. I guess this must be the impact of the Cambridge trip. I think I shouldn't go for a weekend trip to distance places. It makes me tired and this exausted feelings dragged till my weekdays. Oh Gosh!

At the same time, I'm happy that finally I'm done with the Happy Birthday Project for Aswad. He said the video was awesome! hehe. It was my first time making movie actually. It was quite fun doing it and I wish to do it again for someone special. Maybe for my mom? OK better get done with my readings for tomorrow.

Cambridge Trip

Sunday, 21 October 2007
Dear Bloggy,

I just came back from the University trip to Cambridge. This was my second time to Cambridge; therefore I'm not that very excited about the place. What makes my day fun was that I made new friends. On the journey to Cambridge, I met a lady named Maria from Mexico. She sat beside me. She's around Along's age. Very beautiful and friendly lady. We talked a lot until we got so tired on the bus. Because there was nothing else to do really. The journey was a bit boring actually but luckily I met her, I overcome my boredom. Also, I met Jo, a Malaysian lady from Sarawak. She's nice too.

The trip was ok but maybe I've been to Cambridge so I didn't care much about the place. Vanita seems not to enjoy the trip that much. Maybe she felt cold cos she didn't wear her coat. Meanwhile, Lucia was enjoying herself taking lots and lots of pictures. I really have no idea what kinda pictures she took.

Feeling very tired now but I still have more readings to be done.

Harry Potter and Order of the Phoenix

Friday, 19 October 2007
Dear Bloggy,

Again I went to watch a movie last night at LT1 with Ema. But she came in half hour late. It was a Harry Potter latest movie based on the fifth Harry Potter's series. The movie was ok but not as what I've imagined it should be. So, I was a little disappointed because firstly, they changed the story a bit which I think JK Rowling's idea was so much better; secondly, it seems like they cut a lot of the story plots and in the end I felt that the movie was fake! Also, the movie impact was not that as good as the previous movies. Overall, I think Goblet of Fire showed the best gimic. However, similar with Vanita's opinion, the fighting scene was the best and that turned out well as what JK Rowling has expressed in her book. I was complaining to Ema that I'm not satisfy with the movie. Ema agreed with me. In the end we ended talking about the philosphy and forgot about Harry Potter.


Wednesday, 17 October 2007
Dear Bloggy,

I received a sms from Ijam this afternoon. He said Mambo is out from the hospital and he is going back to Malaysia soon probably end of this week. It shows that he's getting better. But until today, I'm not sure whether what he told me before this is true ( I mean whether he really meant with what he said). Anyway, I'm glad he's back to normal. Kinda miss the old Mambo Jambo that always happy and think of nothing except for his guitar. Thank you God for saving his life.

Life goes on...

Tuesday, 16 October 2007
Dear Bloggy,

I had a moody weekends, which means my mood swing all the time. Sometimes I felt so happy and another time I felt so down. Maybe it's because I'm having period. However, my mood enlighten a bit after baking some cookies with Vanita. The cookies were ok but not as I've expected it should be. A bit chewy... I think we could try again some other time.

On Monday evening, I enjoyed myself in my second belly dance class. It was nice and I think I'm starting to develop an interest in this dance. Honestly, I really looking forward for the next class. Thanks to Pak Lah for increasing my allowance up to 97%. At least with this such big amount of money, I can make use of it to attend dancing classes which I have never had any chance to learn in school. But at the same time, I need to make sure I study and doing my homework consistently.

So far my studies have been going well. I understand what I've learned in classes. It just that I couldn't finish my reading for every week on time. I don't know how to solve this problem because I think I get tired and exausted so easily. Am I not fit? What I do now is that I will try to allocate my time; balancing time for entertainment and time which I can maximise my reading. Hopefully, this will help me.

Ladybirds attack!

Saturday, 13 October 2007
Dear Bloggy,

Not everything that we plan will turn out as what we want. I have prepared a new pair of shoes and baju kurung readily ironed for today's Raya party but in the end I didn't go. I felt very tired and no mood at all. Maybe because of period. The worse thing, my room has been attacked with ladybirds. I have never seen ladybirds as these many before. At first, I wanted to show to Vanita how beautiful they are because they are big, red colour with black spots which is different with the one that I used to catch when I was young. However, Vanita was shocked to see they were a lot in my room and she screamed. I got scared too out of sudden. Lucia's room was beeing attacked too. So the two of us quickly made a move by using the rulers and tissues to get rid of the ladybirds. I really have no idea where they come from. But as far that I know, certain ladybirds are poisonous. My room is cleaned from the ladybirds now. I feel glad. I had a long nap and now feel better.

Hari Raya

Friday, 12 October 2007
Dear Bloggy,

Supposedly Raya is on Saturday but I think maybe the Anak Bulan can be seen now and thats why the Raya is today. I had a great time yesterday. Ema cooked vegetarian meals for me and in fact last night was the last fasting for this year Ramadhan. We went to watch movie together after that and I had a great time with Ema. She is a good companian to be with. Also, I spent my night in Kak Syam's house. Helped her to prepare Hari Raya foods. She made lontong and rendang. It was delicious. Made me misses home made foods so much. Early in the morning today, both Kak Syam and her husband drove me to Aunty Fisha's house. What a small world. Aunty Fisha is Yat's aunty. They were all nice and I'm glad to meet them. Well, there are not much things to tell really about what happened on my first day raya here. However, my first day raya turned out to be very simple and enjoyable. Although, the celebration was not as amazing as in Malaysia, in my heart I kinda feeling happy that today is Raya.

Good News and Bad News

Thursday, 11 October 2007
Dear Bloggy,

Before I proceed to town this morning, I just want to write what happened yesterday after I came back from ESRC. I received a bad news from Liverpool. Ijam told me that Mambo is having a mental breakdown and has been submitted into the hospital. His parents are with him now. I hope he will get better. I contacted Ijam to consult him about Mambo's debt with Abah. Ijam paid on behalf of him; I saw the amount of £20 credited in my bank account. Honestly, I really respected what he did for Mambo. I think Mambo should now realized who is his fair-weather friends and who is isn't. I prayed to God that Mambo will get better and starts his new life. I know God is angry with him but on the other hand it shows that God actually loves him.

Ok, now the good news was I passed my PTD test. Along said PTD is normally are governed by high class people(i.e. the intellectual etc) and she said "adek ni kira teror la dapat pass test tu". Hehe. I was happy because the test proves that my IQ is still at the acceptance level (I know I'm not genius) even though I didn't prepare for the test.

ALright then, I'm going to town now to get a new pair of shoes for Raya.

Tiresome day

Tuesday, 9 October 2007
Dear Bloggy,

I actually hate Tuesday because it's my busiest day for every week. I was tired and most frustratingly it rains a lot today. Got my jeans all wet but it's getting dry now. Gratefully, my classes went well today even though I didn't finish my homework for today's discussion. I also helped to teach my friend. She's from Taiwan, a mature lady named Joy. Finally, I found a Chinese from China who could understands Hokien. We spoke some words today in our class and both of us get so excited. Anyway, thats all I could tell for now because I am very tired so can't write more.

Long time ago...

Sunday, 7 October 2007
Dear Bloggy,

Long time ago, I used to have a blog with the same blog name 'saiteru o hana' which means beautiful flower in japanese. My friend gave me that name and I always love it. Then, I deleted that blog because of time commitment, and hardly maintain it. No new posts for ages so I decided to delete it. Today, I feel like writing again and started a new one. Thanks to the blogspot for still keeping my old account and I managed to trace back.

Ramadhan is going to over and I feel so excited that Syawal is coming soon. This will be my fourth time to spending my eid in Great Britain. Honestly, I kinda miss the raya in Malaysia. I tried to forget my sadness by keeping myself busy. But each time I listen to the raya songs, tears would easily drop from my eyes. I realized that is the magic of eid mubarak. It always make us feel touch somewhere deep in this heart. All I wish that I won't forget how I celebrate it that no matter where I am, I will always remember it.