Happy Birthday Ernie!
Dear Bloggy,
Two celebrations I had today. One was for my birthday and the other one was for my successful completion of my LLM course. Alhamdulillah, I have pass all my exams and courseworks. Very happy today.
And later in the evening, my housemates organized a Birthday dinner for me. It was very nice. I'm so tired right now to describe what happened during that evening so I decided to explain by pictures.

These are the people who were very busy in the kitchen.

Wang Wen was preparing my halal chicken for her special Coke Chicken dish. It was really good.

Chiunghui smiled while frying his "kuih bakul" or "nian gao" with wantan skins. It was awesome!

The one who is wearing the red shirt is Doris. It was very hard to take her picture.

Yup, it's me, sitting around trying the Nian Gao while waiting for others to finish their cooking. By the way, I look FAT!!!

It looked simple but nice and complete. For the first time we didn't waste the food. Thanks to the hosts.

For the first time in my whole life I blowed a match not a candle! Hehehe. It was so unique. Good idea Chiunghui!

Beautiful card with birthday messages from everyone!

Special pink card from lovely Kak Jo.

Chiunghui, Nicole, Kak Jo, Birthday Girl, Wang Wen and Doris.
Thank you very much flatmates :)
P/S: How I wish Lucia and Vanita were here.
Two celebrations I had today. One was for my birthday and the other one was for my successful completion of my LLM course. Alhamdulillah, I have pass all my exams and courseworks. Very happy today.
And later in the evening, my housemates organized a Birthday dinner for me. It was very nice. I'm so tired right now to describe what happened during that evening so I decided to explain by pictures.
These are the people who were very busy in the kitchen.
Wang Wen was preparing my halal chicken for her special Coke Chicken dish. It was really good.
Chiunghui smiled while frying his "kuih bakul" or "nian gao" with wantan skins. It was awesome!
The one who is wearing the red shirt is Doris. It was very hard to take her picture.
Yup, it's me, sitting around trying the Nian Gao while waiting for others to finish their cooking. By the way, I look FAT!!!

It looked simple but nice and complete. For the first time we didn't waste the food. Thanks to the hosts.
For the first time in my whole life I blowed a match not a candle! Hehehe. It was so unique. Good idea Chiunghui!
Beautiful card with birthday messages from everyone!
Special pink card from lovely Kak Jo.

Chiunghui, Nicole, Kak Jo, Birthday Girl, Wang Wen and Doris.
Thank you very much flatmates :)
P/S: How I wish Lucia and Vanita were here.
Ernie..congrates sbb da pass exam suma..wahh..syukur..so this weekend jerit kuat2 k??ehehehe..x sabar...
Tol2 excited la!! berdebar pun ade gak..
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