Classmates Farewell Dinner
Dear Bloggy,
As I have promised my classmates that I was going to make them dinner, so yesterday we had at my flat with the help from my flatmates (Wang Wen, Vanita and Chiung Hui) and Rita. The dinner started at around 7.30pm and lasted around 11pm. There were lots of food we cooked. I made roti jala, lontong and apple crumble. Wang Wen made her chinese and korean meals. Vanita cooked her special indian curry. Chiung Hui made his delicious mash patatoes and Rita with her special dish. Everything was very nice.
The roti jala I made. It was tiring to do it but fun!
And this is Vanita's special Indian chicken curry. It was really delicious and I love it.
My lontong. Supposedly eat with kuah kacang but I don't know how to make one so I replaced with onion sambal which have made Mirko (my classmate)'s face turned red because of the spiciness.
Yummy! Apple crumble. However, Vanita said the apple tasted a little bit bitter yet she loved my crumble. Thanks!
Other food. Alot, right? We couldn't finish all of them.
Introducing the sub-host of the farewell dinner. They are the people who helped me. Thanks guys! Really appreciate.
The guests who are also my classmates (Paul from Thailand, Mirko from Germany and Clara from Taiwan). Guess what? We are the only four who enrolled in LLM International Competition Law and Policy and are known as the experts by some lecturers. LOL ^_^
Us except for Paul who was taking our picture and Vanita who has went to bed.
So thats the end for my entry for today :)
As I have promised my classmates that I was going to make them dinner, so yesterday we had at my flat with the help from my flatmates (Wang Wen, Vanita and Chiung Hui) and Rita. The dinner started at around 7.30pm and lasted around 11pm. There were lots of food we cooked. I made roti jala, lontong and apple crumble. Wang Wen made her chinese and korean meals. Vanita cooked her special indian curry. Chiung Hui made his delicious mash patatoes and Rita with her special dish. Everything was very nice.

So thats the end for my entry for today :)