Down to Earth

Religious point of view vs Syariah Law?

Friday 30 May 2008
Dear Bloggy,

I really don't get it. I found this statement in the Star news online today regarding the divorce case of Wan Ismail and his converted wife.

“From the religious viewpoint, the divorce is credible since Wan Ismail had pronounced the talak, but in the eyes of the law, it is not valid yet,” Nik Najib said.

Outside the court, Siti Aishah claimed that Wan Ismail had divorced her by sending her an sms with a talak tiga.
[qouted in the Star]

How can there be a difference between the religious point of view and the Islamic law that stated in the Quran? So, what source does the Syariah law comes from?

Interesting right?

Wednesday with Friends

Wednesday 28 May 2008
Dear Bloggy,

Finally, I'm back home and can have a rest.

Since this afternoon I've been out in town. First, I had lunch with my friend, Nazmi who has been staying here for 3 days and today he went back to Bristol. So, before that he treated me lunch in Wagamama, a Japanese restaurant near Chapelfield. Well, at first we thought of having chinese meals for lunch but when we went there, the shop has closed down. Luckily, we found Wagamama around the corner. I ate seafood ramen (I thought it was delicious) and ice peach tea. Later, I accompanied him to the tourist centre to get some souvenirs. Around 6pm, I was back home to pray and got ready to go out with Ema and her friends.

I had dinner at 7pm in a vegetarian restaurant known as Pulse in town. The place is simple but posh. The four of us, Ema, Emily, Willy (Ema's cousin. I felt regretted for not taking picture with him cos he's cute LOL) and me ordered 3 course meals. We had spring role as starter, South African vege curry as main meal(except Emily she ordered something else other than curry because she dislikes spicy food) and pudding as the desert. Oh my God! After I ate those food, I felt my tummy going to explode! Imagine, I just had the ramen which I'm sure not yet digest and later had the 3 course meals. Wow!

Anyway, we chatted until around 10pm and had to make a move as the shop was closing. I had a wonderful time, really. I took some pictures with Ema and Emily, probably this would be the last time to see them as they are going back home soon after their exams next week while I'm going back to Malaysia in September.

Intoducing Ema. I knew her from the library induction when the first time I came to UEA. She is a first year undergraduate student in Philosophy. I have been hang out with her several time throughout this year. She is my movie buddy for every Thursday night in UEA. She is special, very spirited person and nice company to be with. I'm going to miss her alot. By the way, ignore my shutting eyes face, it's horrible but I like it.

And this is Emily. I knew her from Ema because they live in the same accomodation. She is a first year undergraduate medic student. This was my first time to hang out with her (hmmm...and will be last I guess). She is cool. Seriously. She is younger than me but she talks like a mature person. I bet she can be a good doctor someday. Again, ignore my horrible hair, blame to the strong wind in Norwich

You know, sometimes I feel a bit sad because have to leave UK for good. I wish I have more time to spend with my friends here. At the same time, I miss my friends in Malaysia too. Well, thats how life goes. Like Q said "cherish the moment with the person(s) as much as we can when time allow us too".

Good night!


Monday 26 May 2008
Dear Bloggy,

In the library, I'm taking a rest from reading.

Just recently, I witnessed something but I'm not sure whether I should tell that person or not. Well, it's normal for the people here to just leave their things in the library while they'll go some where else to have a break. So, there was a couple who left their things which quite near me.

While I was listening to my mp3 player I saw a black girl (nigel obviously) was passing by twice around the area I was studying. I was looking at her suspiciously wondering why on earth is she using this way when there is another way she could use. Then, the third time she came again and stopped at where the couple had leave their things. I saw her looking and holding one of the papers on the table. I was confused because I never see her sitting there before and I know that the white bag belongs to the guy.

Hmm... I'm curious myself because probably the guy might have gave consent to the black girl to look at his notes? Still wondering whether I should tell him or not.

Nazmi came

Dear Bloggy,

Unexpected guest, my old friend Nazmi came to visit me yesterday. Not a very good day for him cos Norwich was raining heavily. But anyway, I bet he was happy with the "nasi lemak" plus "teh tarik" ala English style I made for him. We chatted, gossiping about things and friends. Can't believe that time has passed by so quickly and everyone is growing up to be an adult, more mature and holding more responsibility. Nazmi said he missed the student life and I am going to miss the student life too.

However, I think being a postgraduate student is not the same as during the high school or undergraduate experience. The people that you are mixing are different as not all postgraduate students are the same age as you. They might be older and quite rare to find those who are younger or even the same age. I had some problem when the first time I enter the masters course. Is not about the course that giving me the problem but is about mixing around with much mature students who already have their career and wiser in terms of thinking. After a while, they seem to accept me the way I am and the same goes for me I seem to get used to them. In fact, I love to talk to these mature students especially in getting advice about career and life. They will share with me. I guess it's just the question about time in trying to get use to certain environment which is new and alien to you.

Oh Well...

Friday 23 May 2008
Dear Bloggy,

I'm in the library right now so sleepy that I have to take a break. I read Tun Dr Mahathir latest post on 'Kesetiaan kepada UMNO' and wanted to comment to his post. Then suddenly, thinking about what my father told me about being carefull with my comments as currently the Government is sponsoring my studies and they might thought that I'm against them. I'm just thinking why do they always think in that way because giving a scholarship is a welfare job to the people. Malaysia is a democratic country and of course Malaysians have say in order to improve the system. I really hope that people can start to change their mind set because we are getting globalise. If the people in the Government itself can't be open minded there would be some trouble in the next few years.

P/S: I'm only 23 years old. I'm quite concern about Malaysia and the welfare of the next generation. Political chaos is continuing and welfare of the people is neglected.

Do I look like Indian?

Wednesday 21 May 2008
Dear Bloggy,

Yesterday evening, I went for swimming alone. While I was swimming, I saw a small girl swam underwater and waved at me. I waved at her back. She came to me and I had to stop swimming because I guess she wanted to talk to me. "Are you from India?" she asked. I was like "woot?!" but of course I replied her politely, said no that I'm from Malaysia. She is 9 years old and from China. She came to UK when she was very young. Her mother can't speak English properly so she acts as a translator. It was nice to meet her although sometimes I think she acts too mature for a 9 year old kid. Anyway, I still can't believe someone can expect me from India. Do I look like one? In fact, that girl was not the first person who asked me the same question, even Gaurav too when the first time I met him. Sigh... Please, I need 'fair & lovely'. LOL ^_^

Summary of Disertation

Monday 19 May 2008
Dear Bloggy,

Alhamdulillah. I have finished my summary for disertation. After the last discussion I had with my supervisor, he adviced me to focus on the European Competition Network study. I found lots of interesting reading materials on political science which related to my disertation and really can't wait to get started. Unfortunately, I can't because I have one more exam next month on International Sales and Carriage of Goods law. Seriously, I haven't properly start my revision because I find it boring. The reason I choose this subject as my option because Dr. Mus asked me to take it as UITM now is trying to specialise in Maritime Law and she said I can replace her after she's gone. Yeah right. Anyway, wish me luck. Hope I can get distinction. Amin.

Tribute to Vanita

Sunday 18 May 2008
Dear Bloggy,

Special extra post for today. Actually this video was made by Vanita last year after we had our x-mas dinner together. But I looked at it again this morning. Felt happy and a little bit of sad because all of us will leaving UEA soon back to our home countries. Yeah, people met and people separated, thats nature.

Xochilt's Birthday Party & Norfolk Festival 2008

Dear Bloggy,

Very lazy to update the blog these days. I don't know why everything is so lazy for me these days. But I forced myself to read and do revision. I guess, I do really need to take a break from studies. Can't wait to teach soon. Insyaallah.

So yesterday, from 6pm until 11pm, I was busy with activities. At 6, I went to Xochilt's Birthday Party with Wang Wen. The party started a bit late and Xochilt looks very busy. I mean a birthday girl shouldn't be busy, I told her.

The Birthday Girl and me

Anyway, around 7pm it started officially and went out well. There were foods but I didn't eat much, not because I'm on diet (cos I don't believe in diet), just no appetite. I socialised with my law-mates and met some new faces from Serbia and Mexico. Later, as I have requested the birthday girl, that we should dance. There was latin music and all of us dance. I learned some new salsa steps from one of the Mexican ladies. She said I'm good ^_^ LOL.

I didn't stay long cos wanted to prepare to go to the next event in UEA's Earlham park. Wang Wen and me went back home to get thicker clothes and at the same time picked up Vanita (yeah, as though we have a car). The show was some kinda celebration which they have every year. It was a firework show but they made it into a story. Really cool although I don't really understand the story. I was very excited in taking lots and lots of pictures.

Beautiful right?

Anyway, we came back home around 11++ pm. Vanita, Wang Wen and me were cold to death! You know what happened last night was after we came back from the festival thing, Vanita saw there was a 'thing' stucked on Wang Wen's hair. I thought it was a spider so probably my face looked terrified that made Wang Wen's screamed so loud that I had to stopped her as I saw properly it was only a small yellow flower. LOL Really funny.

News for today: The Star online

Thursday 15 May 2008
Dear Bloggy,

I have a very high mood to read the star online properly this morning and found some interesting issues which I feel like sharing here in my blog.

1) Rape cases.
I was very sad to read quite a number of rape cases within the family members. Dad raped her 4 year-old daughter. Another father was accused to molessting her own daughter. Whats going on with the mentallity of these people?! Get a life lar...

2) CLP issues.
Since yesterday, I've been reading and listening to comments and views about the abolition of CLP soon and to be replaced with CBE and CBC. Some said that it was to solve some racism issues claiming that majority who sat for CLP were non-Malays compared to Malays as most non-Malays grad from private college law school. Another view was that certain universities were all this while have had included sllybus which equivalent to CLP but more off practical basis for eg. UITM.

Well, whatever the issues are, in my opinion I don't think those are the reasons for the change. First of all, the question of why non-Malays took CLP more than the Malays? "Certificate in Legal Practice (CLP) is a compulsory examination for law students with degrees from universities in England, Wales and Northern Ireland and some universities in Australia and New Zealand before they can practise law here" [quoted in the Star]. It just happened that majority of the non-Malays law students are graduated from the private college which also happened that this private college's law degree contents the overseas syllibus and lack of the syllabus which equivalent to CLP. Meanwhile, Malaysia Universities such as UITM has included syllabus which is equivalent to CLP regardless the focus on more off practical approach and accepted by the BAR. It is just because UITM is governed by the Bumiputras which look like as though only non-Malays have to take CLP. And one cannot compared the difficulties to pass the CLP and the UITM syllibus because the former is 100% exam based while the latter is combination of both exam and practical. Plus, not all bumiputras are able to pass UITM law degree. I've heard some of my friends repeated the course. Thus, difficulty is not an issue here.

I felt happy and welcomed CBE and CBC because I think the new regime will overcome the confusion and stardardize the assessment for law practitioners in Malaysia. Furthermore, the fact that it is now applicable for both students graduated from local and overseas reflecting the concept of assessment for law practitioners in the UK which I think more systematic and can be accepted. However, I do not think the new regime will be much easier to pass compared to CLP as every law students are hoping for. It is either the same or harder.

3. Free water plan in Selangor area.

Well, this is quite an interesting issue. One of the water companies agreed to provide free water to Selangor as long as it does not disturb their profit drastically. Hmm... I've been trying to apply the economic and competition knowledge I've learned so far. Two possible issues I can see here which is one as regards to the consumer welfare and second to the quality and productivity of the firm.

Lets look at the productivity of the firm. Maybe, in the short term, giving free water to Selangor will not affect the profit of the firm. But in long term (if this free water plan going to last for another 5 years or more), there might be a reduction in profit. More cost needed to cover the fixed costs as probably the firm need repair or change the water system etc. Perhaps the variable costs for labours; rise in wages etc. Unless, the MP government willing to subsidize this cost on behalf of Selangor, the risk is lesser.

Next, the consumers welfare. All the MP thinks this plan will benefit Selangor households. What about the other states in Malaysia. How would the other water consumers feel when they have to sacrifice their money to pay bills which part of it will cover the cost of bills in Selangor. And all of them are receiving the same amount of water and perhaps Selangor might even more!(depends on the population in every state).

Haiyo! Good idea has to be realistic also lar...

4. MAS extends zero-fare offer to Asean routes

Finally, the last thing which I found it to be interesting. How I wish Malaysia has a competition authority. It looks like MAS is trying to create a dominant position in the flight industry. Putting the lowest price (even ZERO!) which is definitely below the total costs. If Malaysia was part of EU member, I'm sure the EC Competition Authority would kick MAS ass. They will destroy the flight industry soon if they kept doing this and much possible if they can survive the lost they have in short term.

P/S: Sorry for any gramatical or spelling error. Very lazy to edit.

First Appointment with my Official Supervisor

Wednesday 14 May 2008
Dear Bloggy,

I had my very first meeting with Dr. Michael. We had quite a long discussion about the topic. Unfortunately, certain questions that I proposed were not suitable so he helped to adjust the questions and came up with something which I found it very interesting and excited to further explore. Anyway, he told me to concentrate with my final exam because there's still enough time for me for the disertation.

My First Homemade Karipap

Monday 12 May 2008
Dear Bloggy,

Yesterday I've made karipap. But the dough was not that good. It didn't taste like the karipap dough at all instead it tasted like curry puff. Hehe...So, I kept some of the curry patatoes fillings and found a better dough recipe for karipap. And today I did it! It turned out almost well. Kak Jo said "boleh tahan". heh...

Goodbye Nemo: 2008. 4. 15-2008.5.11

Sunday 11 May 2008
Dear Bloggy,

Nothing much to say today. Just some sad news. My beloved Nemo just died :(
Feel a little sad. Oh, well what to do. Probably, he was shocked or injured because of the fall yesterday. I have no idea when did he died today. But around 5.00pm I checked him and can't see any heart beat anymore. He looked really paled. Goodbye Nemo. huhuhu.

P/S: I don't want to have tadpole anymore. I want a cat. =D

Active day

Saturday 10 May 2008
Dear Bloggy,

Most parts of my body are aching. I had a very active day today. I woke up at 6am and did some household things. Then chatted with him. hehehe. See, he drew me this:

Kawaii ne... :)

Later in the afternoon went town with Chiung Hui. After the exam, seriously my appetite for shopping just rise up. Yesterday only, I spent like GBP 50 in Dorothy Perkin and New Look and today in Esprit for GBP 30 (Woot?!). Bought 3 jeans, a top and a skirt. I even got a new pair of sunglasses. In the late afternoon, Chiung Hui and me went to play basketball as he just bought a new ball from town. He taught me how to jump and consistently pushed me to practice the jumping. Wah! Very tired! And now, I really have no idea what should I do. I planned to make a long term planning for my disertation but seriously too exausted. Probably I shoud lie on my bed now.

By the way, my tadpole which I named Nemo almost died just now. I wanted to change the water for Nemo and almost throw him away in the sink. Luckily Wang Wen was there to helped and safe him. Relief as I was panicked. Now I can see Nemo is swimming around in the bottle happily :)


Thursday 8 May 2008
Dear Bloggy,

3 Hours more to go and I'll be heading to the examination hall at 2.15pm. At the moment, I feel a little goosebumps in my tummy. ALthough, I've got the questions 10-days in advanced, I feel a little nervous because scared that I might forgetting important points for the essay that I'm going to write. Anyway, crossing fingers now and praying to God, hopefully everything will turn out well. Amin.

New Pet

Tuesday 6 May 2008
Dear Bloggy,

Can't sleep :(
I had a long nap this afternoon. I guess I have to wait till the subuh prayer.

I have a new pet. Guess what it is? hehe...Tadpoles! Can you believe it? ^_^
Chiung Hui brought 7 tadpoles from his lap for Wang Wen but I guess Wang Wen can't manage to keep them all and gave 4 tadpoles to me. Unfortunately, 3 of them have died :( I was sad. But anyway, the one which survived seems to grow up well and quite active. I got some pictures of the tadpoles 2 days back before they died.

Chiung Hui said those died will be food for the survivor. Wah! That means the survivor tadpole has so much food in stock hehe then I don't have to worry what it should eat.

May Dinner

Saturday 3 May 2008
Dear Bloggy,

It is my flat tradition to have a get-together dinner once in a while and inviting new guest(s). Well kinda our way to socialising. Very tired to explain whats happening so I downloaded picase free from Google and edited some pictures and here's the results. I guess those pictures explain better than my own words (very lazy lahh...). Too bad, forgot to take Gaurav picture.

The pictures below were actually an experiment by Vanita and me. We were trying our best to get the best shot with our own hands without asking someone else to help taking our pictures. Finally, the fifth shot (as you can see in the middle) was the best taken by Vanita. Bravo Vanita!

People, the last collage of pictures demonstrating how you should not waste your food. Please follow these examples.(giggle)^_^

P/S: By the way, I've changed my theme song for my blog. I'm not that fanatic of hindustani song but this song is quite nice hehe. Makes me want to dance.