2 days of rest
Dear Bloggy,
Two days of rest given by my Supervisor are actually turn out to be non-rest days for me as I was busy having fun and hang out with friends. On Saturday, Yana, Adik, Josh and me went to Thorpe Park in Surrey which near London. It's a duplicate of Alton Towers but I think it's better than Alton Towers. We got half price ticket for addmission. Thanks to Madame Tussauds for giving me the voucher. Our day in Thorpe started with full of excitement. We completed almost most of the scariest games in the park! Anyway, we took lots of magnetic pictures. How I wish I could show them in this blog cos my face was really funny.

Those who went to Thorpe Park with me
Yana and me after the Tidel Wave ride. We were all wet!!!
Happy! Happy! Happy!
P/S: This entry supposed to be posted on the 22nd of August but I was damn tired that I totally forgot about it! However, thanks to Bloggy for saving it as a draft. Also, not many picture taken during my Thorpe Park trip cos we decided to leave all the things in the locker and just have fun. These pictures were taken using Yana's mobile camera.
Two days of rest given by my Supervisor are actually turn out to be non-rest days for me as I was busy having fun and hang out with friends. On Saturday, Yana, Adik, Josh and me went to Thorpe Park in Surrey which near London. It's a duplicate of Alton Towers but I think it's better than Alton Towers. We got half price ticket for addmission. Thanks to Madame Tussauds for giving me the voucher. Our day in Thorpe started with full of excitement. We completed almost most of the scariest games in the park! Anyway, we took lots of magnetic pictures. How I wish I could show them in this blog cos my face was really funny.
Those who went to Thorpe Park with me
Yana and me after the Tidel Wave ride. We were all wet!!!
Happy! Happy! Happy!
P/S: This entry supposed to be posted on the 22nd of August but I was damn tired that I totally forgot about it! However, thanks to Bloggy for saving it as a draft. Also, not many picture taken during my Thorpe Park trip cos we decided to leave all the things in the locker and just have fun. These pictures were taken using Yana's mobile camera.
ernie...kenangan kat thorpe park yana rasa paling best skali laa ernie...yana tgk gamba2 kita kat magnetic freezer tuh rasa sayu giler ati..still terasa lagik gerun time nak naek rides...sedey ernie da nak balek...tader geng nak pi tmpt2 camni dah...wahhh..ernie dtg lagi ekk??ada rzeki kita pi thorpe park lagi...naek ride yg baru tuh...thanks ernie for that day..without ernie x dpt laa half price tuh...gonna miss u nanti...
alamak sedih la bace comment yana ni. sayu plak rasa. that was the best trip la. simple tp nice kan? yup, insyaallah kite jumpa lagi. kot2 bila dh kawen blh cite kat anak2 kite nnt. LOL
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