Cornflakes Cookies
Dear Bloggy,
An extra post for today. I'm supposed to do revision right? But my heart was not into it instead I went down to the kitchen and started making cookies! So here the results:

I have messed up the table!

Baked Cookies. Yummy! It is you know.

Wang Wen can't stop eating them.
Right, now I've got mood to study. Jia You!!!
An extra post for today. I'm supposed to do revision right? But my heart was not into it instead I went down to the kitchen and started making cookies! So here the results:
I have messed up the table!
Baked Cookies. Yummy! It is you know.
Wang Wen can't stop eating them.
Right, now I've got mood to study. Jia You!!!
hey ernie!
long time didnt hear from you. how have you been doing?
btw your cookies looks tempting..
hey kevin!
I'm fine thanks. yeah, long time didnt hear from you too. how are you?
hehe thanks for d compliment
yeah im fine.
guess what! im going to study in another 2 months time. doing a part time degree which gonna take me another 3 years.
hows ur study?
Hi again Kevin!
Good to hear that! Why are you doing another degree? Hows your work going? MY studies are fine, i hope. After all the suffering I had last 2 months, I guess I'm better now :) When are you coming back to Msia? We should gather again.
hey ernie!
no i dont have a degree yet. im just a diploma holder at the moment and im pursuing into a different field which is business analytics. its kinda new in spore so i hope this course of study will be relevant to the economy here.
my work is fine. listening to many weird stories that makes me feel like, hey, im glad i didnt have to go through all the things that my students been through.
i dont know when ill be back to msia again. hopefully at the end of the year and maybe during xmas again. how about you? yeah we should have a gathering sometime.
remember who is chiew mei, mei yin and hui huang? they are in spore too. we just met up a couple of days ago and we heard that ghe seng is in spore too. so when you come here, we will have a gathering here too.
hear from you again.
Oh my God why everyone is running to S'pore. Yes, of course I remember them. Maybe I should come over to S'pore then and meet you guys. Are they all working there?
I'm coming back home this Sept for good. Then I'm planning to work for a year and hopefully come back here for Phd. But I need to find some scholarship here and get a part time job to support myself. Really dont want to rely on Governtment's money anymore. Tight up!
I will contact you when I get back and have settle down a bit.
Take care kelvin :) and pls send my regards to other smkttians who are in S'pore. Tell mei yin I miss her.
ernie...sedapnye cookies..rajin nye ernie buat cookis nih...nanti next time ada buat cookies bawak laa pi salsa tau..leh party cookies pastuh..hik hik...
eh blh je. suke sgt :) tettt (gaya korang) kenape sejak akhir2 ni tak nampak korang bersalsa? busy sgt ke? miss hang out dgn korang la. lps international nite dh cam x sgt lpk dgn korang.
Looks real ultra yummy! Could you please FedEx some over to Singapore? *grin*
LOL ^_^ maybe i'll give you the recipe. (grin)
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